Hi fellow women, mamas, and whoever else decided to read this page,
Why do I want to blog?
Well it starts with a morning meet up with my friend at a local Kosher cafe. We were each busy ordering our lunch of choice. Mine always includes a coffee at the side, because you know I'm usually low on sleep. Now this friend is always on a ball. She's a mom! She directs a Chabad center. She owns a floral business and is an event designer. She now directs a preschool, and to top it off, this girl's got guts like I've never seen.
Mid sentence, she blurts out, "Zeldie, you need to blog!"
What? I was taken aback. I was surprised. You know what? I was actually excited! And you know what else, I never felt so trusted, confident, and empowered in my lifetime!
But, hey, it wasn't too off the charts. I actually enjoy writing. I like writing, specifically to women who are somewhat in the same boat as me, and can relate to my journey. In that moment, I wished to share that trust, confidence, and empowerment with every woman I know!
Then and there, we started and Instagram page. This blog will coincide with that page, including pictures, articles, both long and short, poetry, tidbits, inspiration about the Jewish holidays and weekly Torah portions, and more.
But it's not just another page or blog! It is a circle of women ready to live a more meaningful and inspired life. It will showcase mothers of every style, and host meetups and gatherings for Jewish women living in the LA area and beyond!
Dear friend, welcome to the journey!