You can perpetuate your commitment to Jewish life. By making a legacy gift you will help insure the future of the Jewish community. Planned Giving provides many creative opportunities to maximize your giving with many benefits to you. Charitable estate and financial planning may be in the form of cash, real estate, securities or other marketable property.

For personal assistance contact: Rabbi Shalom Cunin at [email protected] or call 310-709-1556.

Chabad Westwood - Holmby is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All grants & charitable contributions are tax-deductible.  

Leave a legacy of kindness that will live on.
Your gift now will have an everlasting impact on Jewish life.
Earn a great tax benefit and insure Jewish life in the community.
Earn Up to 9% Per Year and Great Tax Benefit.
Maximize your policy to provide life and sustenance to Jewish education, outreach and social service.
An effective way to make a gift while retaining the income benefits.
Establish a Charitable Trust that continues to help the Jewish community.
Your retirement plan can include your commitment to Jewish life.