Services Schedule
All regular services are at
741 Gayley Ave 3rd floor (Across UCLA Hospital parking lot) - Free parking
Daily morning prayer -
7:45 am
Friday Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat -
5 Min after candle lighting time
Shabbat Shacharit -
10:00 am
Shabbat Mincha/Arvit - Friday's
Candle lighting time
At Chabad of Westwood we believe that each individual knows how he or she best communicates with G-d. The language you use or the pace you set for yourself are not of paramount importance. Our traditional services are in Hebrew and English using a Hebrew and English Siddur (prayer book) making it easy to follow in either language. Page numbers are announced continuously so you may always find the place in the prayer book. Connect with the day and with G-d and with your own soul in whatever personal manner suits you best.
Kaddish Recital
For the first eleven months after the death of a loved one the Kaddish prayer is recited by relatives during prayer services. If you recently lost a loved one, we invite you to come to our services to say the Kaddish.
If you cannot come in person, we can arrange to have someone say the Kaddish in memory of your loved one.