Bequests are a major source of funds for Chabad. Your testamentary charitable bequest ensures that your support of Chabad will continue in perpetuity. It is possible to designate a special purpose or program for your bequest, keep in mind, the specific needs of the Center may change depending on the future state of world events. Therefore, it is preferable to authorize the Center to use the bequest for its general charitable purposes in the event the designated use is determined to be inapplicable.
There are many types of Bequests:
Outright Bequest - Chabad of Westwood - Holmby is given a specific dollar amount or a specific asset, such as securities or marketable real estate.
Residuary Bequest - Chabad of Westwood - Holmby is given all or a percentage of the remainder of the estate after payment of all expenses of the estate and any other specific amounts bequeathed to other beneficiaries of the will.
Testamentary Trust - You may provide for income to be paid from the trust to a designated beneficiary, and after that individual's lifetime all or part of the principal passes to the Center.
Contingent Bequest - You may have family and friends for whom you feel a responsibility and choose to provide for them first in your will. The Center is given a bequest only if the designated beneficiarie(s) predecease you.
The provisions in your will or revocable living trust for leaving a charitable bequest to Chabad of Westwood - Holmby will depend upon the type of gift and your unique circumstances. We hope these sample bequest clauses will be helpful to your attorney.
Unrestricted General Legacy (Outright Bequest) I bequeath to Chabad of Westwood - Holmby, a not for profit corporation, having its principal offices at 741 Gayley Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024, the sum of ($________) DOLLARS for its general charitable purposes.Bequest for Specific Purpose I bequeath to Chabad of Westwood - Holmby, a not for profit corporation, having its principal offices at 741 Gayley Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024, the sum of ($________) DOLLARS [OR] a percentage (%________) of my residuary estate to be used for the Chabad of Westwood - Holmby [insert specific purpose designation]*. If in the opinion of the Board of Directors, the purposes of Chabad of Westwood - Holmby would be better served by using the income or principal, or both, for Chabad of Westwood - Holmby general purposes, the income or principal, or both may be so used.
Bequest for Specific Purpose by Endowment I bequeath to Chabad of Westwood - Holmby ., a not for profit corporation, having its principal offices at 741 Gayley Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024, the sum of ($________)DOLLARS [OR] a percentage(%________) of my residuary estate to establish an endowment fund bearing the name of________________ . The net income therefrom shall be used for the benefit of Chabad of Westwood - Holmby [insert specific purpose designation]*. If, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, the purposes of Chabad of Westwood - Holmby designated program would be better served by using the income and principal of the fund, they may have the discretion to do so.
For personal assistance contact: Rabbi Shalom Cunin at [email protected] or call 310-709-1556.
Chabad Westwood is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All grants & charitable contributions are tax-deductible.